Eddie Jordan on the value of a mentor 

The Formula 1 entrepreneur believes that a mentor's biggest contribution can be to take uncertainty out of the equation

Rather than immediately expounding the virtues of mentorship, Eddie Jordan make it clear that young entrepreneur should keep their wits about them when seeking the advice of an experienced elder. He reminds us to be “careful” as “practices” and “commitments” may have changed in the years since the mentor started a business so whatever sagely advice a mentor have – it may no longer have relevance in the rapidly evolving world of business.
Instead Jordan asserts that you should “go for general information and knowledge”.  Some things will always be true, and it’s always worth seeking the wisdom of years on certain topics. Jordan is keen to stress though, that if someone is of “significant importance”, especially in a “particular business” then having a mentor “can be a key of taking uncertainty out of the programme”.
He expands on this by explaining that when an entrepreneur has made a decision based on “gut feeling” it’s “always nice if somebody can qualify what you’ve just thought”. But counters by saying that these same “gut feelings” can be useful when trying to “evaluate” whether advice is actually right for your needs and the needs of your business.
Of course, nothing is ever black and white, and often it is strength of character that determines success, or in his words – “don’t be a lamb to the slaughter… make your own decisions.” He adds that you should never change “too easily or… strongly”, a consideration of the facts and variables will ensure you act wisely and with confidence.
After reminding us that  it all comes down to “common sense”, Jordan concludes with typically brazen simplicity – “if you think it’s time to change then change, who cares, get it done.”